Salty, buttery, potato “scones” aka. Pogácsa! A traditional hungarian savoury snack.

I know so far there isn’t a ton of savoury recipes on the blog. Basically the list of salty things doesn’t exist. But it is going to change right now!
Don’t get me wrong, I looove a good salty snack! But when it’s about baking around here I am much more into sweets!

Now let’s talk about pogácsa, the most popular snack in Hungary. They are a bit similar to scones or biscuits. But they are a lot softer, and airy. You can find lots of different versions with cheese, potatoes, crackling, goat cheese, curd cheese, wild garlic. And all of them is addictive!!

The methods can be different too. The most simple one is the mix-everything-together-and-bake technique. But this time I used a bit more complicated version with a folded dough, a similar to puff pastry, but don’t worry it’s a lot faster and easier to make!!!

This time I folded cooked and mashd potatoes between the layers. It’s a winning combination. Soft buttery dough layers and delicious mashed potatoes!

Now imagine that they are all warm, fresh out of the oven! I savory item on a cold winter afternoon. ( yes unfortunately it’s still freezing cold and snowy here. Winter, please just leave, I am ready for the hot weather)

So this was my first ever proper savoury recipe I hope you give it a try because pogácsa is everything!

P.S.: This makes a HUGE batch but you can cut the recipe down.
Potato Scones (Pogácsa)
Prep Time: 30 min. Baking Time: 30 min Total Time: 3 hours Portions: 10-12 portions
6 medium potatoes
11 g active dry yeast
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
2 dl milk
500g flour
2 tablespoons salt (+extra for cooking the potatoes)
150g sour cream
200g + 2 tablespoons butter (melted)
3 egg yolks (keep the egg whites for brushing)
In a large pot of salted water cook the potatoes with the skin on until soft.
While they are still warm peel off the skin.
Mash them with some additional salt and the 2 tablespoons butter. Let it cool down.
In a small bowl warm up the milk, add the sugar and yeast stir them together and let it proof for 5-10 minutes.
In a large bowl stir the flour and salt together. Add the yeast, sour cream, butter and egg yolk. Knead them together with your hands until the dough comes together.
Let it rest for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until the dough is doubled in size.
Roll it out into a rectangle around 50 cm x 20 cm on a floured surface. Spread the potato mixture evenly on the top.
Fold in thirds (like a letter). Cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Roll out again to an 8 by 24 inches rectangle and repeat the folding. Then cover it again. Repeat this procedure two more time.
Preheat your oven to 390 F or 200 C. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
Roll out your dough on a floured surface until it’s around 1,5 cm thick. Use a round cookie cutter or a glass to cut out rounds.
Set the rounds ont he baking sheets. Brush them with the leftover egg whites.
Bake them for 25-30 minutes or unti they are golden brown. Serve them warm.