About me
Me in one sentence: A crazy, baking and eating obsessed, extreme Christmas maniac.
Are you a cake lover? Do you like baking easy, but super delicious desserts? Are you obsessed with everything that contains caramel?
You somehow found this blog so I guess you are! Welcome to the gym, where we grow our muscles by making mind-blowing creations! (Cheeky little blog name reference). If you are half as crazy as I am for baking you are on the right page. And I hope my craziness doesn’t scare you!
You will find posts with, simple, freakin’ delicious, sometimes a bit crazy recipes, that everybody can make! I try to share lots of Hungarian recipes because the world just needs a bit more from the badass Hungarian cuisine. Aaaand loads of Christmas recipes, just because I am one of the craziest Christmas fanatics in the whole wide world (not kidding, ask my friends and family!).
I started the blog in September 2016. The idea to create a blog popped into my mind on a Spring afternoon. I wanted to share my ideas, recipes, and obsession and inspire others! My goal is to prove that everybody can bake pretty and amazing food without being a professional.
As you already guessed I LOVE baking! It has always taken an important place in my heart. When I was little I was always flipping through my grandmother’s and mother’s baking magazines and books a million times. Nowadays I still do this. When I was 9 or 10 and my best friend and I had a sleepover we always woke up earlier to make some breakfast for our parents.
Nowadays I clearly have a problem... I can spend hours scrolling through food blogs, watching youtube videos to create the perfect recipe for a birthday cake, or just for a Sunday afternoon dessert.
In the meantime, I am studying Architecture in Scotland, and I am a „wannabe architect". As I said before, I am overly obsessed with Christmas but I can easily get excited about most things. I try to appreciate the positive little things all around me.
I am from Budapest, the beautiful capital city of Hungary I was living there with my family before moving to Scotland about a year ago. I have a younger sister who is a grilled cheese expert. She makes THE BEST grilled cheese sandwiches in the whole wide world, I am not even kidding! My family is always so generous to help with the taste tests.
I also have two of my best friends helping. Let’s call them Chili and Pepperoni. Yep, you heard it right! We are the three paprikas because when we laugh we are as red as a paprika And we laugh a lot… and when I say a lot I really mean it! They are my biggest helpers in this whole thing. Chili designed the logo, and she always helps me with the photography. Pepperoni reads the posts and corrects the grammar since I have a lack of sence for spelling and grammar. I know… don’t judge me, my Hungarian grammar is even worse. And that is why this blog’s name isn’t Grammar minutes with Gabo.
If you have any questions, leave a comment or write an email.
My email is bakinggym@gmail.com
Please look around the blog and let me know if you try one of my recipes! Send me a photo or tag me on Instagram.
Me watching the beautiful sunrise in Budapest at 4:30 AM. Yes, that is waaay to early!
P.S: Here is a list of random things I like:
writing lists
running (10 km is my ideal distance but I am terrible on shorter ones)
travelling and sightseeing
hiking, camping
enjoying the sun on a hot summer day with a book
finding the perfect DIY presents for Christmas
designing personalized cakes
decorating my room
trying different challenges ( some I have done/ am doing right now: photo a day, one second a day for a year challenge, workout challenges, journaling challenges)
guinea pigs ( I have one her name is Mazsola, which means raisin in Hungarian.)
dachshounds and red cats
crispy and sour apples
dancing in my own quite eccentric way when I am alone/ with my Mom or best friends (I don't have any sense of rhythm)
sweet peaches
brussel sprouts ( I am just one of those rare human beings who loves brussel sprouts)
sea and ocean
potatoes in any form
the moon and the stars
sunset and sunrise
ninja warrior (we finally have a Hungarian edition)
airplanes (one of my favorite app is Flightradar 24 )
Italian food
pastel teal colour

My name is Gabriella. I'm 20
and obsessed with baking, eating and taking photos about things I bake and eat. If you want to know more about my "super exciting" life read more here...