The perfect edible Christmas gift! They are crunchy and cinnamony and sweet.

My friends and I always give each other hand made gifts for Christmas and birthdays. And the perfect gift to a food lover is food obviously . So I decided to share some fast and easy home made food gifts that you can make a few weeks ahead or even the day before Christmas.

This recipe is so easy and needs only a few ingredients. You need some nuts, here I used walnuts but they would be really good with pecans or almonds too. Then you can personalise the gift with any spices you want. I think a sweet and spicy combination would be amazing with chilli powder maybe, but be careful and don’t kill anybody with a too spicy gift!

You bake it for an hour and toss them after every 15 minutes and you are done! Make sure you keep it in an airtight container, so they stay crispy.

Warning! They are dangerously addictive!

Cinnamon Candied Walnuts
Prep Time: 5 min. Baking Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1+hour Portions: 2 batches
- 400 g walnuts (or pecans, almonds)
- 1 egg white
- 1 tablespoon water
- ½ teaspoon vanilla
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1-1 and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon salt
Preheat your owen to 250 F or 120 C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a medium bowl add the egg white, the water and the vanilla and whisk it with a fork until it's foamy.
In a small bowl mix together the cinnamon, the sugar and the salt.
Toss the walnuts in the egg mixture until they are fully covered.
Add half of the sugar mixture and cover the walnuts fully then add the other half of the mixture and mix until they are evenly coated.
Spread the nuts on the baking sheet into one even layer then put them in the oven for one hour. Stir them after every 15 minutes. Let them cool down completly then store them in an airtight container.