Where have I been? What is going on and other tough-to-answer questions…

I am back!!!!!!! It’s been soooo long since I have disappeared, and I've missed the blog. I feel like I arriving home after a long day. But where did I go and what happened in my life in the past few months? It was probably the busiest, most eventful and exciting period of my 'long' almost 19 years of my life. :D So now I am trying to recall all the biggest things that happened let’s say in the past year if there is anybody out there who is interested.
Here is a brief summary of my last year:
I have started (and successfully finished) my final year in high school
Visited an alpaca farm and saw alpacas in real-life <3
Went on a class trip to Ukraine
I had roughly one billion exams ( wide range of languages, maths, history, literature, drawing etc.)
Survived a 31 km hike
Had my friend from the Chez Republic stay for a few days in Budapest
Made a portfolio first time in my life
I have applied to universities in the UK, got offers and made my final decision
I got accepted to Robert Gordon University in Scotland
I have attended a drawing course
Our class had the most amazing prom (a bit different from the American one, we performed a waltz and a class dance together)
Went on a girls trip with my best friends to Vienna before Christmas
Ate around 10 million times at my favorite restaurant called Bors
Celebrated birthdays and baked a few amazing cakes
Ran a half-marathon
Graduated from a high-school
Survived the final exams
Said goodbye to my high school class
Went to Austria with my family and hiked in the most beautiful mountains
Saw tons of beautiful sunsets
Went vegan for a week (post coming soon)
Traveled to Malmö and Copenhagen with friends
Tried SUP yoga (and didn't fall in the water)
Swam in Lake Balaton aka the most beautiful place in Hungary
Finally found a favorite flower, the black-eyed susan, hence the photo ;)
These are basically the major events in the past year. And even though it sounds all nice and fun but I was working really hard to get accepted to uni and spent long hours and days studying (safe to say that I am a perfectionist, which can cause lots of stress sometimes.
On the other hand, I feel like I have changed a lot in the past year mentally, I have become more mindful and follow my heart. I have started doing more yoga, meditation and I believe that in the past year positive thoughts and mentality helped me out many many times! I am also becoming more extroverted and that is a huge step for me since I have always been pretty quiet and introverted around strangers. And last but not least in the past year I have become more and more aware of environmental issues and I am slowly trying to adapt techniques and ways to reduce waste in my life.
About the future…
Most importantly in a month, I am moving to Scotland… this is so incredibly unbelievable. My whole life is going to change. Is it scary? Hell yes… but I am not letting the fear take over my mind, because I know this is going to be the most exciting adventure of my life. (hopefully :D)
And now the most important question, what is going to happen with the blog? To be honest I don’t have an answer… I have so many ambitious ideas and plans but there are only 24 hours in a day. So I am not putting myself under any pressure. I will do whatever feels good, whatever I am passionate about, but I am not going to force anything. There might be some changes on the blog, I would like to share a bit more about me and my adventures because I feel like the blog needs more personal bits and pieces.
I guess that is all I had on my mind, for now at least. Oh and also new recipe is coming tomorrow!