There is no christmas without cookies. Any kind of cookies, basic chocolate chip or peanut butter or these amazing crispy ginger cookies.

Let’s spend a minute to celebrate that it’s christmaaaaaaaaaas time, the most wonderful time of the year!! This is really my favourite part of the year. I live for Christmas!!! I start feeling the christmas vibe around August! And finally it’s fully christmas time in our house. My family is kind of loves christmas, so our house always looks a little bit like a Christmas extravaganza. Christmas CHRISTMAS yaaaaay!! Okay Christmas celebrating time is over.

So this recipe came form Pepperoni. She makes it for us all the time. So thank you P.! You are the queen of these cookies.

These cookies are meant to be thin and crispy. I made them for the first time and as you can see I didn’t spread them enough so they turned a little bit more cakey and less crisp and thin! So make sure you push them down more than I did so they will be more thinner.

But we shouldn’t waste more time with my little mistake because the flavour of these cookies are sooooo perfect. They are spicy, gingery (does this word even exist?? ). My favourite part is the crispy top which is sprinkled with brown sugar.

Let’s make some instant Christmas cookies!

P.S.: I am going to upload 2 recipes every week until Christmas! So get ready for a Christmas extravaganza!
Crispy Ginger Cookies
Prep Time: 10 min. Baking Time: 8-12 min. Total Time: 30 min. Portions: 30-35 cookies
200 g all purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon all spice
100g brown sugar
100g butter (room temperature)
5 tablespoons honey
1 egg white
Preheat your oven to 375 F or 190 C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder and the spices into a large bowl. Then mix them together and add the sugar except 2 teaspoons.
Cut the butter into small cubes than add it to the flour mixture. Crumble them together with your hands or you can use a fork.
Then add the honey and mix it together with a wooden spoon or a spatula.
Make a bit smaller than 1 inch balls. Put them on the baking sheet and leave around 1,5 inches space between them. With a glass flatten them around 0,3 inch thick.
Whip the egg white with a fork. Brush the cookies whit the egg white and sprinkle the 2 teaspoon saved sugar ont the top of the cookies evenly.
Bake them for around 8-12 minutes and let them cool down.