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A delicious, warm, slightly sweet curd cheese breakfast braid with lots of raisins (or no raisins at all if you don’t like them ) is the perfect Mother’s day breakfast!

This Mother’s day I made this pastry for my mom, who is a huge sweet curd fanatic (so am I). I know that in the US and some other countries Mother’s day is on Sunday but in Hungary we already celebrated it. So I can share this recipe with you in time to try it this Sunday.

Sweet curd aka "túró" (in Hungarian) is one of my favourite traditional ingredients. I know it isn’t as popular all over the world as in Hungary, but I don’t know why!! I mean it’s so delicious and you can use it in lots of recipes. I am definitely going to share more recipes with it, because they are amazing!

This breakfast braid was inspired by a pastry I ate in Berlin. Guys that thing was one of the best pastry I have ever eaten! I tried to recreate it, but this dough wasn’t the same. I don’t know how it's made, but it tasted like something between a puff pastry and a yeasty dough with a sweet curd filling, raisins and icing on the top. If you recognized what pastry I am writing about, please share the name with me, because I have to know!

Sorry, back to this version. So it didn't turn out the same, but it was delicious! I made a sweet yeasty dough, I rolled it out, filled it with a sweet curd cheese filling with lots of raisins (but you can leave them out if you don’t like them). Then I „braided” the top and baked. At the end I drizzled some icing on the top just for some extra sweetness. It’s best straight of the oven, but it was delicious on the next day too, warmed up a little bit.

About the sweet curd cheese again. Cottage cheese and quark are not exactly the same as túró. Túró is quite dry. So try to find a dry curd cheese or drain ricotta or cottage cheese in a sieve lined with a cheesecloth over night.

I hope you give this recipe a try!

P.S.: Happy Mother’s Day!

Sweet Curd Cheese Breakfast Braid


Prep Time: 30 min. Baking Time: 40 min. Total Time:2,5 hours Portions: 8-10 generous slices



For the dough:

  • 225 g all-purpose flour

  • 1 and 1/8 teaspoons or 3 g active dried yeast

  • 25 g granulated sugar

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • ½ cup milk

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • 40 ml water

For the filling:

  • 500g sweet curd cheese

  • 2 tablespoons sour cream

  • 1 egg

  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar

  • 2 tablespoons semolina

  • the zest of one lemon

  • 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar

  • 75-100g raisins

For the icing:

  • 5 tablespoons powdered sugar

  • a few drops of milk


  1. In a large bowl stir together the flour, yeast, sugar and salt with a standing mixer.

  2. In a microwave safe bowl or jug warm up the 2 tablespoons butter, milk and water until lukewarm.

  3. Turn on the mixer with a dough hook attached and slowly add the warm mixture on a low speed. Mix for around 2 minutes.

  4. Turn on the speed to medium-high and let it work for around 8-10 minutes until the dough is shiny and only a little bit wet.

  5. Take the dough out from the bowl and rub the bowl with vegetable oil then put the dough back. Cover it with plastic wrap and a kitchen towel. Rise the dough at room temperature for 1-1 and ½ hours until it’s doubled in size.

  6. While the dough is rising, make the filling. Mix all the ingredients together in a medium sized bowl except raisins. Turn out the dough onto a floured surface, knock out the air then roll it out into a 9x15 inch or 24x38 cm rectangle.

  7. Spread half of the raisins lengthwise on top of the middle third of the dough. Then cover it with the filling and sprinkle the other half of the raisins on the top. Now make around 1 inch or 2,5 cm wide cuts on the two sides of the filling into the dough. Flip the dough strips alternately from the two sides. Slightly pinch the ends together.

  8. Cover it again and let it rise for 30 minutes.

  9. Preheat your oven to 350 F or 175 C. 10. Take off the plastic wrap and bake for 35-40 minutes or until the dough is golden brown. If the top is gettin too brown in the oven, cover it with aluminium foil.

  10. For the icing, mix a splash of milk into the powdered sugar. Add some more milk until you get a spreadable but still thick icing. Drizzle the pastry with it.



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My name is Gabriella. I'm 20

and obsessed with baking, eating and taking photos about things I bake and eat. If you want to know more about my "super exciting" life read more here...

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